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Hiding Owl

Hiding Owl

On the way to see ice packed by cruise, nature guide found a ural owl hiding in a tree hollow behind a road. There were beautiful oak leaves tells me the winter. I had stayed in Hokkaido,Japan for a whole month then I could meet this one ural owl. How excited I was. I was wondering how did he into that tree hollow? by back? The owl in Japanese is FUKUROU. FUKU in Chinese character is 『福』.When we see owl, we say FUKU GA KURU means good luck is coming. Also it looks like he is always watching us. He is always taking care of u, trusted in u and u can find your own way and you can be happy.






北海道でドライブ中に、 車が急に止まりました。 外国人のクライアントさんたちは目がキョトン。 何もない道路で急に止まって、 森の中をじっと見つめると・・・ そこには、なんともぴったりはまっている 蝦夷フクロウさんが。 「あ、見つかった」 と言っているように聞こえます。 小さなほっこりする幸せを頂きました。

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